Introduction: Population known as “baby-boomer” is now becoming an “elderly-boomer” to the society. Almost a quarter of the population, as researches found out, will be over 65 years old in a little over a decade in Hong Kong.The recent extensive media coverage of various retirement issues in Hong Kong such as public consultations on the government’s universal pension scheme, extension of the service of civil servants to age 65, MPF reform measures, etc. are also very hot topics in client meetings.
This program will have a brief review on the current retirement situation in Hong Kong supported by some statistical facts, in both macroscopic and microscopic view. Speaker will also introduce some must-know retirement planning skills, as well as giving some practical tips regarding investing for retirement.
Outline: - Current retirement situation in Hong Kong – some statistical facts - Retirement – are you ready? - Some must-know retirement planning skills - Some practical tips regarding investing for retirement
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